Taking the ‘before’ photos of an extensive new deck before Kawana Floor Sanders weave their magic next week.
Technical note: Camera elevated 3m, two photos stitched.
Ambient light is that which is available in the scene, usually a combination of sunlight and light from interior fixtures. Adding light (flash) of a similar direction and color as the prevailing ambient can brighten a scene while retaining a natural look.
I’ve had my fun, now back to work. One of my first jobs of the new year was this fantastic home where throwing back the bifolds welcomed in the world outside (I know, I should write marketing copy 😉 But a water feature just inside the front door could be a trap for the unwary… or the plain fonged… coming home after a late night!
Working methodically in one direction is all well and good, but you may miss good things if you don’t consider alternatives. This shot resulted from me turning around as I was about to leave a room that I’d already photographed. Lesson to myself 🙂
I love the old Queenslander homes, many of which are being beautifully renovated. They remind me of the Victorian villas in my home-town of Auckland.Beautifully renovated Queenslander near Lake Cooroibah, Sunshine Coast